• @[email protected]
      329 months ago

      No, it doesn’t. There’ll be one guy left with one eye. How’s the last blind guy gonna take out the eye of the last guy left?

      Always loved that quote from Seven Psychopaths

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Is the reason this is repeated so much… because it pretties up the fact that it’s 20 Palestinian children for every 1 Israeli that has been killed? And “eye for an eye” makes it sound like it’s 1:1?

  • @[email protected]
    209 months ago

    Still waiting to hear about this news or the 400 children killed in Gaza on the BBC, CNN, SKY NEWS, DW, FRANCE 24, LCI and the rest

  • Obinice
    159 months ago

    …I assume Israel are only bombing valid military targets and not pulling a Russia and targeting civilians, apartment blocks etc, instead, so how could this happen? UN staff shouldn’t be anywhere near Gaza military outposts right now, it’s clearly not safe at those locations.

    That lot that went over the wire into Israel and did a bunch of evil stuff to civilians over there are unforgivable (it would have been an entirely different story if they themselves had only gone for valid military targets), but if Israel intentionally targets civilians, with weapons, or by cutting off their access to food, clean water, electricity etc, in order to make women and children suffer and die… that makes them just as evil.

    Madness over there on both sides honestly, madness. It’s the civilians on both sides who just want to live their lives in peace but who are being made to suffer greatly that I feel for.

    And at its heart over religion of all things! One would think their religions promote kinship with other humans, love and understanding of different viewpoints, turning the other cheek, all that stuff I’m told is in the Christian Bible for example. Are their religions based instead on violence and hatred, or are they just ignoring their religions teachings, and just using them as an excuse to fight?

    Sigh… Madness. All of it. Pointless madness.

    • Chariotwheel
      439 months ago

      By Wednesday, several neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip had been demolished after the Israeli military pounded the area with air strikes.

      Touma told the AP the U.N. staff members were killed in their homes across the Gaza Strip. She said the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City and many schools-turned-shelters were damaged as well.

      When their precision is currently at “hitting the targeted neighbourhood”.

    • ikiru
      139 months ago

      …I assume Israel are only bombing valid military targets and not pulling a Russia and targeting civilians, apartment blocks etc, instead, so how could this happen?

      Well, if you assumed it then you must be right.

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      I assume Israel are only bombing valid military targets and not pulling a Russia and targeting civilians

      Your assumption is wrong. They’ve been killing civillians for decades now. It’s not me saying it, it’s the UN and any other human rights organization out there.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Well, you assume semi-wrongly there.

      Israel bombs every place the Hamas is using. The problem is, the Hamas is regularly using civilian buildings. And Israel doesn’t care at best or at worst is using this to have a real excuse for it.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Plus we don’t know the criteria of a military target. Let’s assume good faith and then only military targets are being hit. What is the military target? Anybody who’s associated with the military? Associated with the government? Anybody whose cell phones spends time with the cell phone of somebody associated with the military or the government? People who spend time in the same house? People who pull money out of the ATM at the same time? People who text each other? It’s a small city, the social graph is going to be pretty dense. You bomb one building everyone runs away, now all those associated targets are in new buildings, and it continues.

        The belligerent, Hamas, is the civil government in Gaza right now. All civil infrastructure, through some lens, is a military target.

        There are some military doctrines, saying putting pressure on civilian populations, causes problems for the military, and the government supporting the military. So from that viewpoint inflicting infrastructural chaos, weakens the ability of the state to fight. Not saying that’s the doctrine they’re using, but it’s possible, we don’t have data, there’s not a published list of why a certain building was targeted.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Israel has had a very loose criteria for military targets if you take a look at recent history. I think you bring up a major point.

          Considering Netanyahu just said he would attack foreign aid for Palestine. Israel’s actions like the IDF sniping kids in convenience stores, and taking shots at the Japanese medical personnel during the cease fire of operation pillar of defense/cloud, and targeting media offices should call into question, what does Israel consider a military target?

    • @[email protected]
      289 months ago

      You can tell it’s Israel because of the passive voice. Just like when a teenager “dies in cop involved shooting”.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Apparrently by Israel as collateral damages from the aistrikes :/

      Nine United Nations staff members have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza since Saturday, the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees confirmed Wednesday.

  • sadreality
    -209 months ago

    What about the beheaded children tho!!!

    A small price to pay tbh.